Growing zucchini

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Article from RCA Villages magazine - Evolve Spring 2018

Like most vegetables zucchini taste the best when they are freshly harvested.

The good news is, they are easy to grow – even in containers. Whether you have a huge gardening space or not, the addition of a zucchini plant will reward you with a bountiful harvest this summer.

Keep in mind that you will need to harvest regularly when it begins to grow, so that the plants don’t get bogged down.

You should be able to get about three zucchini each week when they start growing so be sure to get them off the plant to make room for new growth. Follow these tips and you’ll have a steady stream of the most versatile vegetable on the menu.

Large Container

Zucchini plants grow quite large, so the container accommodating them should naturally be large as well. Halved wine barrels often work great as planters. The plants can naturally reach diameters of three plus feet, so take that into consideration when choosing a container. Consider using a tomato trellis to help the plant to grow up and not out.

Fertile Potting Soil

With their large and prolific nature, zucchini plants are heavy feeders. Potting soil should be rich in composted organics, and even better, amended with fish emulsion or earthworm castings. The potting soil should also drain well because Zucchini plants do not stand waterlogged and soggy soils, so make sure that your potting soil of choice is amended with perlite or vermiculite.

Full Sunlight

Your zucchini plants will do best in an area where they receive at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight. They will be even more prolific in areas where they receive 8-10 hours of full sunlight.

Image credit: Photo by Igor Miske on Unsplash

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